Rita Hollings Science Center

Rita Hollings Science Center Build-Out

DCG has recently been awarded a contract for the College of Charleston- Rita Hollings Science Center Build-Out. The project is an up-fit to the existing facility; with construction start in December 2015 and completion in May 2016. Donley’s Concrete Group…

R. David Thomas Conference Center

R. David Thomas Conference Center

Donley’s Concrete Group was worked for Lend Lease on the renovation and expansion of Duke University’s R. David Thomas Conference Center. Key elements of the project included the renovation of current space (including the enclosure of guestroom corridors and walkways)…

CSO Rack 14

CSO Rack 14

Working in conjunction with the Akron infrastructure firm of HM Miller, Donley’s constructed a 2.0 MGal combined sewer overflow structure basin on the north side of the Little Cuyahoga River, across from the existing CSO Rack 14 facility.  The basin…

Health Care Center

Health Care Center

In order to meet the healthcare needs of an estimated 34,000 veterans in the Piedmont Triad (NC) metro area, the Department of Veterans Affairs has constructed a new four-story Health Care Center in Kernersville. Serving as concrete contractor to Lend…

Weston Towers

Weston Towers

The 427,000 sq. ft. Weston Towers project is comprised of two seperate office buildings to house MetLife’s new Global Technology and Operations Hub.  It includes two, seven-story office buildings, a four-level, 934-space precast parking garage, a four-level, 1,020-space precast parking…

West Campus Union

West Campus Union

The renovation and expansion of Duke University’s West Campus Union restores the storied building’s dining halls, while inserting a new full service dining environment and activity spaces for students to interact and socialize. Some spaces remained intact, restored to their…

Heart and Vascular Hospital

Heart & Vascular Hospital

The North Carolina Heart & Vascular Hospital was designed with four archetypes in mind: high-tech, natural, inviting, and clean.  Comprised of a ten-story bed tower with adjacent four-story diagnostic and treatment building connected to the northwest quadrant of the existing…

Cree NCE Expansion

Cree NCE Expansion

Donley’s Concrete Group served as concrete contractor to DPR Construction on a facility expansion project for Cree, Inc. (Cree NCE Expansion), located in Durham, North Carolina. Cree, Inc. is a market-leading innovator of lighting-class LED’s, LED Lighting, and semiconductor solutions…

The Quay

The Quay

Donley’s Concrete Group served as concrete contractor to Lend Lease on a three building expansion of Bishop Gadsden’s retirement community, The Quay, in Charleston, South Carolina.  The new 4-story buildings will add 45 residential flats to the community. Donley’s scope…

Cameron Boulevard Parking Deck

Cameron Boulevard/ Science Drive Parking Deck

The Duke Cameron Science Center parking deck would have been a very challenging project for any concrete contractor. Through rigorous pre-planning, scheduling and a lean concrete construction approach Donley’s Concrete Group stepped up to the challenge and succeed. Walker Parking…