801 Rockwell Avenue Parking Deck

801 Rockwell Avenue Parking Deck

Working with the owner and Engineer, we devised a restoration plan to add another 15 to 20 years of serviceable life to the structure for ¼ of the cost to replace it. Donley’s Restoration Group worked with construction engineers, Barber…

Case Western Health Science Garage

Case Western Reserve University – Health Science Garage

This Health Science parking garage is located at Case Western Reserve University near the Robbins Building housing the School of Medicine. The original garage was suffering from years of water damage and corrosion, that desperately needed renovating. The renovation consisted…

Acacia Garage Repairs & Waterproofing

Acacia Garage Repairs and Waterproofing

Acacia on the Green Condominium Association selected Donley’s Restoration Group to restore their parking garage. Donley’s worked with EDI Building Consultants, the engineers on this project. The scope of work included: 83,000 sq. ft. of vehicular membrane removal & replacement…

Music Building Bridge repair

Music Building Bridge Repair

Donely’s Restoration Group completed structural concrete repairs and waterproofing to Cleveland State University’s Music Bridge.  Located in the heart of CSU’s main campus in downtown Cleveland, crews worked over a main thoroughfare to complete the necessary repairs to the bridge.

Tower City Parking Garage

Tower City Parking Garage

Health Science Garage

Health Science Garage Restoration

Donley’s Restoration Group provided concrete restoration services to Case Western Reserve University’s Health Science Parking Garage.  This project consisted of structural repairs to the garage as well as waterproofing. Working with Carl Walker Engineering, Donley’s restoration work included: removal of deck…

O'Neil's Parking Garage

O’Neil’s Parking Deck

The O’Neil’s parking Deck structure was built for the City of Akron to serve the parking needs of the O’Neil’s Office Building and Canal Park, Akron’s downtown baseball stadium. The stair/elevator lobbies have direct access to several floors of the…

South Parking Deck Expansion

This expansion to the parking deck used by the Health System’s staff brought the total number of parking spaces to 1,388. The existing parking deck remained open throughout construction. The project included the relocation of all utilities, including domestic water,…

Sanderson Farms Poultry Processing Plant

Poultry Processing Plant

Donley’s worked on the Sanderson Farms’ Poultry Processing Plant located in St. Pauls, North Carolina. Donley’s Scope of Work includes: turnkey concrete construction spread footings grade beams with steam walls for precast cast trench boxes trenches stone base with high…

Tool Expansion

Tool Expansion

Donley’s has been awarded the Spirit AeroSystems Tool Expansion in North Carolina.  The facility manufactures miscellaneous parts for the aeronautical community. The scope of work for the project includes: turnkey concrete construction pile caps grade beams tie beams loading docks…