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Hurry-Up Can Hurt – Tool Box Talks
There are a couple of frequently used sayings concerning this type of behavior, such as, “Haste Makes Waste” and “The Hurrier I Go, the Behinder I Get.” Another one which is more closely associated with safety on the job is,…
Accidents are Avoidable – Tool Box Talk
Each time someone is injured, we need to ask ourselves “how did it happen?” Accidents just don’t happen, they are caused. Accidents are usually a result of someone not paying attention or knowing how to recognize a job (or home…
Donley’s Concrete Group – Duke Projects
Our Raleigh office recently asked us to pull together information about all of the projects that Donley’s Concrete Group has completed on the Duke Campus. The results were pretty impressive. Check out the PowerPoint below.
Four Seconds to Safety – Tool Box Talk
Perhaps the best tool to come along in industrial construction (at least as far as safety is concerned) is the Field Level Risk Assessment or Job Hazard Analysis. Whatever you call it, this is a tool that makes everyone stop…
ABC’s of Safety – Tool Box Talks
Attitude, Behavior, and Control. A safe attitude means staying alert and focused on the job at hand. Safe behavior means taking safety guidelines and practices seriously. Control means taking responsibility and keeping your work area clean and orderly. Safety is…
Hydration – Tool Box Talk
We’ve all experienced it at some point when working or playing hard – fatigue sets in, your mouth feels dry and your legs are heavy and maybe you even get a headache. Theses are all common signs of dehydration. When…
Dillon Topping Out
The Dillon team in Raleigh N.C. celebrated the topping out of the parking deck with the last pour on April 27.
Personal Audits (Pre-Task Planning) Tool Box Talk
When the word audit is mentioned, people generally think of a negative experience, and internal revenue service (IRS) tax audit or of a confrontation. However, it is possible for audits to be positive. First, let’s consider the definition of audit.…
Fall Protection Tool Box Talk
Policy Donley’ s policy is that a fall protection system as outlined below, is required for all employees (Self-performed and Subcontractors) working at heights greater than 6 feet and this applies to all situations including General Fall Protection, Scaffolds, Over…
Silica and Silicosis Tool Box Talk
Silica is a mineral compound made up of one silicon atom and two oxygen atoms. There are other compounds that contain silicon whose names are quite similar, such as silicate and silicone. Do not mistake these for silica. They are…