Articles by: donleyadmin
What You Need to Know about the Fire Triangle
Over the past few weeks we have been discussing some of the chemistry of hazardous materials; today I am going to expand our science curriculum into combustion. Any program on fire prevention and safety is based on a clear understanding…
Flying First Beam at Duke University Parking Deck
There was quite a bit of activity last Friday at the Duke University Cameron Boulevard Parking Deck. Thanks to a tremendous effort, the team placed the SOG, flew the first beam and pumped cy shear wall all at the same…
Donley’s Concrete Crews See The Sky As The Limit
Currently at 334’ above Lakeside Avenue, Donley’s concrete crews will pull the core at the downtown Cleveland Hilton Hotel project for the last time on Saturday. They will finish 355’ above Lakeside with one more lift in each core. Pictured…
Making Contact…the Caustic Power of Portland Cement
On any given day, there are numerous ways that we can come in contact with site particles. Whether through the air or from direct contact, these materials can be very dangerous. Today I share some of the hazards of portland…
Celebrate Safely This 4th of July
Saturday is Independence Day and that means fireworks! Our country has celebrated with fireworks every 4th of July since 1777 and, unfortunately every year there are numerous injuries related to this long-standing celebration practice. This year, as we near the…
A Hair-Raising Hazard To Avoid
Today, I share with you a construction safety hazard that can cause serious injury or even death to construction workers, yet is so common that it happens an estimated 100 times every second. That hazard is lightning. According to the…
Stay Hydrated to Stay Alert
On Monday of this week, the high temperature in Cleveland, Ohio reached a balmy 88 degrees! It was a beautiful, sunny day and gorgeous weather for May in Cleveland. It’s a reminder that summer is just about here and now…
Pre-Task Planning Brings Awareness to Job-Related Hazards
Last week, I suggested developing the good habit of a Refocus Reset to reduce job-related injuries by as much as 90%. This week, I share a related statistic: over 80% of workplace injuries arises from worker behavior. It’s not easy to…
Not All Habits Are Bad. Develop This One to Reduce Job-Related Injuries.
There is a significant opportunity to reduce job-related injuries by as much as 90% and most of us aren’t even aware of it. And, it is surprisingly simple to do and takes very little time. What is this hidden gem…