Working Close to Power Lines
- Never get closer than 10 feet to a power line
- Conduct initial and daily surveys of the worksite and implement control measures and training to address hazards at the site
- Do not operate equipment around overhead power lines unless you are authorized and trained to do so
- Do not forget to look up when surveying the worksite
- Warn others if the minimum distance is not maintained
- Never touch an overhead line if it has been brought down by machinery or has fallen
- Never assume lines are dead
- When a machine is in contact with an overhead line do not allow anyone to come near or touch the machine
- Stay away from the machine and summon outside assistance
- Never touch a person who is in contact with a live power line
- Get certified in CPR
- When working near overhead power lines the use of non-conductive wooden or fiberglass ladders is recommended
- Avoid storing materials underneath or near overhead power lines
If you should be in a vehicle that is in contact with an overhead power line, DO NOT LEAVE
THE VEHICLE. As long as you stay inside and avoid touching metal on the vehicle, you may
avoid an electrical hazard. If you need to get out to summon help or because of fire, jump out (jump with both feet together and land both of them simultaneously) without touching any wires or machine, as far away from the machine as possible,
- Do not leave your feet and do not shuffle your feet more than 8 inches apart from each other
- Do not let anyone come to your aid until you are outside of the high voltage area.
Once the hazard is abated the equipment must be serviced and inspected for any defects caused by the