Donley’s Concrete Practices Lean Construction at Cleveland Clinic’s East 105th Street Deck
Cleveland Clinic’s new 105th Street parking deck is a 9 level, 3,000 space deck and will serve as an icon and introduction to the Clinic’s main campus at its southern portal.

Donley’s Concrete crews, along with the entire team, including the Clinic studied the book, The Toyota Way to learn how Toyota integrates lean principles as they strive for continuous improvement. In addition, Morning Huddles with all crew foremen from all trades take place each day prior to the start of work. Safety issues and concerns are discussed first, then expected deliveries, crane usage, individual crew activities, and finally, any information required from the management or design team.
First Run Studies have been conducted by Donley’s Concrete team members prior to building major elements such as decks decks or core walls. It is in these studies that the crew foremen, superintendent, project manager, project engineers, and suppliers and other subs discuss safety and equipment requirements, review the formwork drawings, reinforcing drawings, and discuss means and methods of construction. This session flushes out many questions and concerns prior to work commencing.
The project is on schedule for completion in the 4th quarter of 2016.